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Brinksmanship: The "Threat Game" of all bullies and psychopaths

Brinksmanship: The “Threat Game” of all bullies and psychopaths

History and definition of Brinksmanship:

 Brinkmanship (also brinksmanship) is the practice of trying to achieve an advantageous outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink of active conflict. It occurs in international politics, foreign policy, labour relations, and (in contemporary settings) military strategy involving the threat of nuclear weapons, and high-stakes litigation.

This maneuver of pushing a situation with the opponent to the brink succeeds by forcing the opponent to back down and make concessions. This might be achieved through diplomatic maneuvers by creating the impression that one is willing to use extreme methods rather than concede. During the Cold War, the threat of nuclear force was often used as such an escalating measure.

see also this Wikipedia article on “Balance of Terror”:

Brinksmanship: The “Threat Game” of all bullies and psychopaths

short articles on Trump and Nukes, Trump threatens weapons use in Venezuela:

What is age-regressed behavior

Short Articles:

and, from the movie, The Interview:

trump gif: fire nuke war, power
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Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:

book on Donald Trump, Psychopathic Politicians Vampires and Pirates by Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.

Run, flee, tell others!

300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:

Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
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Understanding this psychological term will change your view of Trump Nukes and War obsession

Understanding this psychological term will change your view of Trump Nukes and Venezuela Threat

Donald Trump has age-regressed behavior, ideals and goals: those of a 12 year old boy.

4 short posts to help you understand age-regression and brinksmanship:

There are diplomatic options not tried with Venezuela crisis. With North Korea, we outlined why there are no options, and the threat is Kim Jong-un and not the people of North Korea.

For Trump,

1. War and Nukes are an age-regressed obsession.

2. Brinksmanship is the game played by bully narcissists and psychopaths

The outcome is: killing people or killing the soul of people.

(see this lined out in 7 psychopath and narcissist books in the catalog above).

noun: brinkmanship; noun: brinksmanship
  1. the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics.

 2.  the activity, especially in politics, of trying to get what you want by saying that if you do not get it, you will do something dangerous:

The talks have collapsed and both sides have resorted to brinkmanship.

 “Jeff, age 14, was in his room playing knife games with 2 other boys percieved as less powerful. During the game of throwing the knife, Jeff veered of his planned target of the wall and the knife hit Jorge directly in the eye. Jorge lost that eye use for life. Jeff felt guilty only when it served a purpose with authories the next few days, but secretly plotted how to play control-threat games better in the future.”

What marriage or work situations have you seen this brinksmanship game played by a bully, narcissist, or psychopath?

trump oval office pushes nuke launch code button

Brinksmanship: The “Threat Game” of all bullies and psychopaths

short articles on Trump and Nukes, Trump threatens weapons use in Venezuela:

What is age-regressed behavior

Short Articles:

and, from the movie, The Interview:

Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:

book on Donald Trump, Psychopathic Politicians Vampires and Pirates by Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.

Run, flee, tell others!

300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:

Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse
books · brinksmanship · chicken · cold war · games · hurt · knife · narcissist · nukes · penis · threat · trump psychopath

Kiss, Chicken & Penis Game

Kiss, Chicken & Penis Game

trump nuke threat kim jong-un: brinksmanship, penis, chicken game, cold war

The game of chicken, also known as the hawk-dove game or snowdrift[1] game, is a model of conflict for two players in game theory. The principle of the game is that while it is to both players’ benefit if one player yields, the other player’s optimal choice depends on what his opponent is doing: if his opponent yields, the player should not, but if the opponent fails to yield, the player should.

The name “chicken” has its origins in a game in which two drivers drive towards each other on a collision course: one must swerve, or both may die in the crash, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called a “chicken”, meaning a coward; this terminology is most prevalent in political science and economics. The name “Hawk-Dove” refers to a situation in which there is a competition for a shared resource and the contestants can choose either conciliation or conflict; this terminology is most commonly used in biology and evolutionary game theory. From a game-theoretic point of view, “chicken” and “hawk-dove” are identical; the different names stem from parallel development of the basic principles in different research areas.[2] The game has also been used to describe the mutual assured destruction of nuclear warfare, especially the sort of brinkmanship involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.[3]

see MUCH more helpful info on this at:

Brinksmanship: The “Threat Game” of all bullies and psychopaths

short articles on Trump and Nukes, Trump threatens weapons use in Venezuela:

What is age-regressed behavior

Short Articles:

and, from the movie, The Interview:

Penis game

An activity where individuals compete to shout “Penis!” in an increasingly loud voice while trying not to get in trouble with some authority figure. This game is often played in public places such as schools and shopping malls. [16]

Kiss game

An activity where two people sit across from each other and move closer to each other, eventually going face to face, and the first person who moves/flinches away from the “kiss” gets to be called a “wussy”.

Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:

book on Donald Trump, Psychopathic Politicians Vampires and Pirates by Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.

Run, flee, tell others!

300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:

Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs

7 Books on Knowing Narcissists and Defending Yourself Against Abuse